Acı Dolu Kocaeli Kavga: Aşk Acısı Bıçakladı!

Kocaeli'de eşinin sevgilisiyle karşılaşınca dehşet saçtı! 'Bana yapılanları fazlasıyla hak ettim'

Fruit Knife Attack in Kocaeli: Wife’s Lover Stabbed in 8 Areas

On June 1, 2022, a violent incident occurred in Kocaeli, Turkey. According to reports, a 44-year-old man, identified as Ö.A., got into a fight with C.Ö. (60), whom his wife had been in a relationship with for 4 years. As the argument escalated, Ö.A. took out a fruit knife from his pocket and stabbed C.Ö. a total of 8 times, including his chest. C.Ö. was left lying in a pool of blood while Ö.A. fled the scene. Health teams who arrived at the scene upon notification took the injured to the hospital, while the police detained Ö.A. who had fled. After giving his statement, Ö.A. was arrested and sent to prison. “He Was Harassing My Wife”

The first hearing of the case opened for the incident began at the Kocaeli 3rd Heavy Penal Court. The hearing was attended by the defendant Ö.A., who had been in custody for a month and was released, the victim C.Ö., and their lawyers. In his defense, Ö.A., who was released pending trial, stated, “I was married to R.A.Ö. for 23 years, but we got divorced during this process. C.Ö. met my wife on social media and they had an emotional affair. My wife left home three times and went to C.Ö.’s place and then returned home. I forgave her, we reconciled. Three months before the incident was the last time my wife returned home. However, a person named C.Ö. started harassing my wife. My wife even got a restraining order against him,” he said. “If I Wanted to Kill, I Would Have Killed for Sure”

Ö.A., claiming that he coincidentally ran into C.Ö. on the day of the incident, stated, “I saw C.Ö. honking at my wife while he was on the motorcycle. I ran and made him fall off the motorcycle. We started fighting. He was swearing at me. I lost control, took out the knife in my pocket, aimed at his leg, and stabbed him, I don’t know how many times. Then I left and went home. After a while, the police came. Events unfolded in this way. If I wanted to kill, I would have definitely killed. I found the fruit knife on the road where children were going to school, I took it from them. It was still in my pocket,” he said. “I Deserved What Happened to Me”

The victim C.Ö., who stated that he did not file a complaint, said, “It is a very difficult situation for me, may God not surprise anyone. This matter is a source of shame for me. I deserved what happened to me. If I were in his place, I would have killed me, but as the defendant said, the relationship was not one-sided. I am not that kind of person. I am not complaining. If I were in the defendant’s place, I would have done more because what I did was not right. I did not call or ask for R.A.Ö., but when he called me, I gave in to my feelings. I was coincidentally at the scene on the day of the incident. When he honked at another vehicle, the defendant misunderstood,” he said. “I Was Unjust, I Came Here Bowing”

C.Ö., who claimed that the defendant attacked him, said, “During the incident, the defendant first punched me from behind. I had a helmet on my head. To protect myself, I also punched the defendant. I was first stabbed in the chest. I was stabbed in my stomach, groin, and various other places in a total of 8 areas. The defendant said, ‘See how I slashed you,’ but I didn’t respond. When I stayed still, he let me go. When I am unjust, my hands and feet are tied up. I was unjust, I came here bowing,” he said. “I Had an Emotional Relationship with C.Ö., There Was No Forced Harassment”

During the trial, the defendant’s ex-wife R.A.Ö. was also given the floor. Stating that they got divorced after these events, R.A.Ö. said, “While I was married to Ö.A., there was an emotional closeness with C.Ö., but ultimately I returned home to my husband. I had an emotional relationship with C.Ö., there was no forced harassment. I went to the market on the day of the incident. When I returned from the market, I heard honking on the street. I saw children on the street. I realized that the honking person was C.Ö. We bumped into each other coincidentally. My children started shouting ‘dad.’ They suddenly started fighting. I separated the children, so I didn’t see the fight between them,” she said.

The public prosecutor requested that the defendant be punished for “attempted intentional homicide under unjust provocation.” Upon the lawyers’ request for more time, the hearing was adjourned.