CHP Takes Steps Towards Change After Disappointing Election Results

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CHP MYK’s Meeting to Analyze Election Results and Plan for Change

Following the disappointing election results for CHP, the demand for change was met at yesterday’s Central Executive Board (MYK) meeting in the form of a “election review”. The party leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu gathered the resignations of the MYK members and initiated the congress calendar. Kılıçdaroğlu mentioned that, “we will have colleagues who will receive assignments and those who will not. There will be a change”. The new MYK list will be announced after tomorrow’s Party Assembly meeting. Speculation suggests that the new list may include young and new members with women members leading.

Kılıçdaroğlu is likely to appoint Özgür Özel as the Group Chairman due to his status as a non-MP. Due to last minute changes, the list of male only candidate names for deputy chairmanship positions will now be amended to include both young and female members.

At the MYK meeting, Kılıçdaroğlu posed the question, “if we start the congress schedule now, when will it end?”. Kılıçdaroğlu emphasized the importance of starting the calendar immediately so that they could do a self-evaluation. After taking into consideration the responses of his aides, the congress will likely be held in September or at the beginning of October. Kılıçdaroğlu did not accept suggestions that this year’s congress should only focus on the party administration, leaving the general presidential election for after the local elections. The decision regarding the congress will be officially announced after tomorrow’s Party Assembly.

Kılıçdaroğlu’s persistence about the congress schedule has prompted discussions concerning his candidacy. A CHP source mentioned that they do not believe Kılıçdaroğlu has come to a decision regarding his candidacy. He may leave the decision to the party constituency to demand a strong invitation. Yesterday, Kılıçdaroğlu held meetings with Istanbul Provincial Chairman Canan Kaftancıoğlu, and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu to discuss the election results. Furthermore, there is speculation that İmamoğlu will not oppose Kılıçdaroğlu, since there will be no internal competition between the two.

CHP’s 169 Parliament Members to Swear Allegiance, with Only 130 Remaining

Millet, Deva, Gelecek, Saadet, and Democratic Party parliament members selected from CHP’s lists began submitting their resignations and returning to their parties. The process will be completed by today’s swearing-in ceremony, and after the resignations, CHP’s parliamentary seats will be reduced from 169 to 130. After Turkish Change Party General Chairman Mustafa Sarıgül’s resignation, the CHP’s remaining seats will be reduced to 129. From CHP’s lists, 1 IYI Party member, 15 DEVA party members, and 10 members each from Gelecek and SP parties, as well as 3 members from the DP, were elected to parliament.

Alliance sources reported that the resignations were conducted in coordination with CHP’s management, and the leader contacted the alliance party leaders to indicate that parliament members elected from the CHP lists could return to their parties. The DEVA, SP, and Gelecek parties are currently working together to create a parliamentary group. If the team can find a formula for cooperation, the parliamentary group will be the 6th in the parliament and will be accompanied by representatives on committees and a secretary general in the Parliamentary Presidency. (ANKARA)