First Lady Emine Erdoğan Addresses UN Habitat Assembly on Significance of Individual Efforts in Establishing Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Emine Erdoğan’dan BM’de mesaj: Dünyaya şifa olalım

First Lady Emine Erdoğan has recently addressed the 2nd Ordinary Assembly of the United Nations (UN) Habitat via a video message, where she emphasized the significance of individual efforts in establishing an eco-friendly lifestyle to fight against climate change. “Most of the waste we leave for nature consists of products that could have been reused. It is up to us to determine the footprint we leave on our planet. With small changes in our daily lives, we can heal climate change with an eco-friendly waste-free lifestyle,” said Erdoğan. She added that the success of the “zero-waste movement” initiated in Turkey in a short period of time demonstrates the importance of individual efforts in mitigating environmental problems. The First Lady also expressed her gratitude to Mama Rachel Ruto, spouse of the Kenyan President, her friend Maimunah Sharif and the UN Habitat family who supported the declaration of March 30 as International Zero Waste Day. In her Twitter message, she also highlighted the importance of this meaningful event in shaping a sustainable future for our planet.